Student Of The Month April 2020
Junior Belt Child 10th Kup White Belt to 5th Kup Green Belt Blue Stripe.
SOTM April 2020 Veronica Zblicka 6th Kup Green Belt
Congratulations to Veronica, she has taken the on line zoom lessons by storm along with many of you. The start was slow from my side as it took a while for me to get my head around the new way of training digitally but I have evolved to this new format and plenty of you guys really have grasped it well. Thank you for your continued support! It was a truly difficult thing to choose who was the SOTM in April but I feel that Veronica has just had the edge not only in attendance but in her aptitude during these sessions. She has nobody to train in her front room with but is there almost every lesson and always seems to be motivated. Well done Veronica, superb example and a role model to those who train with you on the Zoom classes. Learning the next pattern up and going through the next syllabus with no physical helper purely a product of computer lessons is an achievement in itself. Keep it up young lady April 2020' Lock Down ‘SOTM. Congratulations Veronica.
Junior Belt Adult 10th Kup White Belt to 5th Kup Green Belt Blue Stripe.
SOTM March 2020 Craig Carver 8th Kup Yellow Belt
Not only did this young man support questionably the second best team in the Premiership he has pushed and pushed. Since re starting Tae Kwon Do he has already worked superbly and achieved a yellow belt. The first full month of lockdown Craig topped the table for junior belts in attendance; phew it was close between a lot of you but that aside, he really has just worked so hard and I do feel he has really enjoyed the digital classes. Obviously working well with lots of you as I have really noticed in a round 6 weeks the physical appearance of you guys has changed. Genuinely seeing the benefits of the more aerobic side of Tae Kwon Do paying dividends. Although you may not feel it during and directly after the sessions. I do hope there is a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment from all if you when you can enjoy that glass of water after the class. They are not easy classes if you push yourselves and you make the training work for you. Again I know Craig will not mind me saying this but like me I find picking up and learning new techniques challenging and mentally difficult as well as physically tricky. He has not only learnt Dan Gun but is well on the way with Do San and even green belt movements via the 'Digital Dojang’ Well done Craig April 2020 ‘Lock Down’ SOTM
Senior Belt Junior 4th Kup Belt to any Black Belt Dan Grade.
SOTM March 2020 Jack Carver 3rd Kup Blue Belt Red Stripe
This young man has consistently worked hard and always ben eager to achieve. Sometimes rushing things but always with an eye to improve and develop his Tae Kwon Do skills. He not only has been the most regularly training student in the lock down period but been doing a fantastic job helping hie Mother and Father out enormously with their one patterns and line work. Great work Jack, your pattern is improving and your sparring will catch out many an unaware senior grade? You have started off May in the same way; learn that red belt pattern from our SLTKD channel onYouTube channel. We can refine it and make it a good standard from the effort you are putting in. Well done Jack ‘Lock Down’ SOTM April 2020. May the 4th be with you! 🙂
Senior Belt Adult 4th Kup Belt to any Black Belt Dan Grade.
SOTM March 2020 Anna Morris 1st Dan Black Belt
Just goes to show that this enforced shut down of the dojang has benefited Anna Morris has not only been able to do more lessons than usual, she still is teaching, and being able to correct my grammar on Facebook posts. Etc. You’re a star Ma’am although I notice that Chrissy has picked up the ‘typo baton’ recently. Congratulations to Anna who along with Robert Howe has accomplished a lot of Black Belt hours amongst the senior belts. I believe Anna is in the Top Ten for attendance in April. She not only has turned up to lessons, she along with the majority have really given the lessons commitment.It really does take some motivation from your part to push yourself in these lessons as it’s not quite the same atmosphere as being all together in the dojang. When we have been pushing the minute and half shadow sparring fully Anna’s dog has come in and chased it’s tail round and round in circles for the shadow sparring. Doing better quality spins than everyone. So should we give the medal to Anna’s dog? (Don’t know the mutt’s name) Come on Anna let us know. Congratulations Anna; balancing work, family life and Tae Kwon Do is always a juggling act but you have done so and may I add very well. April ‘Lock Down’ SOTM April 2020.
If you have not won a medal this month please remember it is already May and the same process is less than 4 weeks away. Will you gain a SOTM medal in 2020? Come on push yourselves. Go for it; believe and achieve with SL TKD. See you in the 'virtual dojang'